Chicken pie
- Ingredients
For stuffing
3 tbsp butter
1 tablespoon oil
1 small onion (diced)
1 cup chicken pieces (or shrimp)
1 medium Islands (cubes)
1/2 cup peas
2 tbsp flour
1/2 cup of the cream builder
1/4 cup grated mozzarella cheese
2 tbsp grated cheese Barmazan
Salt and pepper (for seasoning)
For bread
4 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup butter
Milk + eggs fat
- Method
For stuffing
- Heat the butter with the oil in a deep pot over medium heat, add onion and chicken pieces ( or shrimp ) with stirring using a wooden spoon .
- Add the carrots, peas , flour , then gradually stones while continuing to flipping.
- Add both types of cheese and then season the mixture with salt and pepper , reduce heat and simmer on fire for 5 minutes or until the chicken is cooked , cover and set aside.
For bread
- Heat oven to 170 degrees .
- Mix the flour with the salt in the perineum electricity at medium speed for two minutes ( the perineum can be replaced by the minutes of the food).
- Add the eggs , milk and butter with continue kneading even consolidating dough .
- Transfer the dough to the bowl , leave for half an hour.
- Singled out Balnchabh on glaze and sprinkled with a little flour until it takes form oval about 2 cm thick .
- Put a small dish and deep ( fit to enter the oven ) over the dough , cut the dough with a knife around the dish with dimensions comparable to the upper edge of the dish , repeat the process for the two disks of dough to the same size , leaving the rest of the dough aside.
- Raise the dish over the dough, brushing dismissed one of the disks inside it so that it covers the bottom and sides .
- Put the amount of stuffing chicken or shrimp (or chicken pieces with a smoker Islands ) in the middle of the dough, sprinkle a large amount of mozzarella cheese , covered with padding the other disk of dough with light pressure by hand until dough sticks to the edge of the dish.
- Painted a little scrambled eggs with milk then Ikhrm several times using a metal fork .
- For the work of another form of chicken pie , the rest of the amount of the dough is divided into two equal halves , singled out both Balnchabh of the smooth surface sprinkled with a little flour so are taking a circular form .
- One of them is placed in tin oven and sprinkled with flour , cover with a large amount of stuffing chicken ( or shrimp) without access to the parties , paint the parties with little eggs and milk.
- Padding covers the other part of the dough with hand pressure on the parties to stick to the metal and then pressing a fork .
- Surface Ikhrm dough with a fork several times , painted a little scrambled eggs with milk.
- Baked dough Bashklah ( a dish pie ) oven for 25 minutes or until full maturity, leave to cool a little .
- Put in a serving dish , served with fresh vegetables ( Asparajus - broccoli or as desired ) .