Medlar ice cream
One of the peculiarities of the medlar is (as her friends the apple or berry rosehip ) that his flesh is edible after having undergone the test of gel.
Indeed, in the autumn , fruits are hard, bitter and sour . You might already have all tasted an apple still hard ... it seems that the inside of the mouth is covered with a film so harsh it gives chills everywhere. This is a game I played a lot with kid my sisters and cousins , " the challenge of biting into an apple without spitting ." Well, for the medlar is a bit like ! We need the frost has passed by to the flesh attendrisse under the effect of a slight fermentation ( that's my nose tells me !) And become soft and sweet .
My loquat therefore wisely waited two and a half months on my windowsill , sheltered from rain to soften and go to pot . Because unlike my father who loves biting into the " mrèles " ( dialect from us to designate medlar ) , I found that this slight smell of vinasse was not developed for my taste.
My "bible" of wild cuisine: the gourmet appeal Forest wonderful Lilo proposed different recipes including a compote " evoking aromas of apple cider and chestnuts ." It did not take me less to decide : it would be cooked and prepared as a chestnut my loquats would be magnified .
PS : Idea Christmas gift last minute for nature lovers and wild cuisine , this book is for me simply FANTASTIC ! And if you already have , consider the offer, it will certainly happy !
Or another idea, give or offer a small medlar planting a hedge or at the bottom of his garden : food for our pets , incidentally also for us. This tree is more difficult to find in nature , so why not welcome home to hedge any biodiversity .
- 2 jars :
1kg medlars
1 l of water
Sugar 250 g
1 vanilla pod
Sort medlar throwing black fruits because they have taken this color is that they are rotten inside. He then left me 750 g .
Wash gently and place in a saucepan with 1 liter of water and scraped vanilla bean . Cover and cook about 20 minutes until the fruit is cooked and bursting.
Transfer the fruit in small quantities in a ricer and courage 'to recover a maximum of flesh ( 5 fruits have large nuclei which tend to block the mechanism of the pan ) . Add the cooking water for convenience .
Recovering about 700 g of flesh (pulp + cooking water ) . Then add the sugar and return to the pan to cook over low heat, stirring regularly. Careful because the cream makes fat burning bubbles and tends to cling to the bottom of the pan.
Bake 10 to 15 minutes and put into sterilized jar .
The cream thus is reminiscent of brown and was very much to my taste. I think it is delicious in yogurt, jelly roll (hey hey, why not for my Yule log??) Or simply on a slice.
Because with this little recipe I participate in the contest organized by Sandy Blog "Cuisine and Cigars" and Diane "Medicine through the kitchen," aptly named because the contest theme is: Toasts dream for Christmas!
The challenge was to combine a seasonal fruit (in this case medlar fruit here although it is not in the list ...) with a spice, herb, aroma. I chose vanilla, classic but I did not want more of something too powerful that hides the taste of the fruit.
According to the nice photo, I'm not really excited but at the moment I have a lot of struggling to hold onto my legs for a long time and the shots are very limited in time. They will judge! Tartine yes, dream ... oops!
The last criterion was to dream, to tell the story of the recipe, evoke a memory ... a little short customize its creation.