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Rice salad recipe

Written By Unknown on Sunday, November 3, 2013 | 11:17 AM

Rice salad

Rice salad
  • Ingredients
- 1 cup rice
- 2 cups water
- 1/4 cup green pepper clip
- 1/4 cup yellow pepper clip (optional)
- 1/4 cup orange pepper clip (optional)
- 1/2 cup corn
- 1/4 cup black beans
- 4 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tbsp white vinegar
- Salt and pepper


  • - The rice is placed in water over medium heat until the water starts to boil.
  • - The temperature is reduced to a quiet and governs cover the rice bowl and leave for about 15 minutes until cooked and leave to cool .
  • - Cut peppers into small pieces after getting rid of sowing.
  • - If the corn used fresh grabbed in water laced with a little milk and butter , and if frozen ( frozen ) prefers placed in boiling water for 5 minutes before use.
  • - Black beans washed and placed in a glass of water remaining to cook for 45 minutes or until cooked.
  • - Vinegar mixes well with olive oil, then add the rest of the content and volatility until completely incorporated and adjust the amount of salt to taste .
  • - Leave the power a few hours in the refrigerator prior to submission .


  • Advisable not to add any fat from the oil or butter to the rice during cooking or salt if the purpose of the Authority .
  • If the rice was cooked by the user , plus salt and fat , you can wash it under hot water .

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