how to prepare baguette
To write this post, I had the curiosity to look at how many times I have given here a baguette recipe and if I count , this recipe is the fifth date published on this blog ! And yet I am neither chauvinistic nor senile and if I specify " this day " is because it is likely that another recipe baguette "French " - not quite the same nor entirely another - way back in the day my Mixer .
Not only taste, but because the dough baguette is a field we can no longer supports a whole bunch of fascinating experiments illustrating perfectly the magic of breadmaking.
After chopsticks direct fermentation with autolysis , short or long poolish , I offer here a recipe combining indirect fermentation of fermented dough and autolysis to obtain a strong and flexible at the same time dough.
The use of fermented dough of incorporating the pétrissée day a fermented bread dough in general eve product chopsticks characterized by a better development, a honeycomb sandwich more flavor and better conservation .
Of course if you have a dough mixer , you'll be less tired , if you have a net chopsticks, you'll have a regular product , if you have a flour miller , you will have a better wand ... but nothing says you have to .
My mini- sticks " perfect for a gourmet sandwich" were handmade with flour and groceries .. without a net ;)
Susan , I'm so so happy to join yeastspotting again ;)
( 10 baguettes 25 cm)
- for fermented dough
300g flour t65 or T55
1/2 tsp instant dry yeast
5g of salt
180 - 200g of water
- for pulp
1kg of flour T65 or T55
630g of water ( 1 )
8g of fresh baker's yeast
250g fermented dough
20g of salt
50g of water (2 )
- Preparation of fermented dough ( the day before) :
In a large bowl , mix the flour with the yeast , then add the salt and water. Mix with a wooden spoon to form a heterogeneous coarse paste . Adjust with flour ( if dough seems too sticky ) or water (if remaining flour unbundled ) and transfer to a lightly floured worktop .
Knead the dough for 5 to 10 minutes or the time it becomes smooth , soft and elastic ( dough should be slightly sticky to the touch - scotch effect).
Put the dough ball in a lightly oiled bowl and turn the dough in all directions so that its entire surface is covered with a thin film of oil. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise about 1 hour ( the dough should have reached 1 1/2 times its original volume).
Work the dough briefly on the work plan or directly into the bowl to degas then cover again and refrigerate overnight .
Note: the fermented dough can be stored 3 days in the refrigerator or frozen three months tightly closed in a freezer bag .
- For the dough:
Put the dough fermented at room temperature for 1 hour before starting.
Note: in practice take the necessary amount of fermented dough, cut into 10 pieces with pastry cutter or a sharp knife and then cover with a cloth to prevent drying. Keep the rest in the fridge for another use. The rest was used to me to make kaiser rolls
- tempering
Sift the flour into a large bowl, add water (1) and mix first with a wooden spoon (the time wet all the flour and form a coarse paste) followed by hand or even the bowl either on a work plan: the dough should be smooth and soft without being sticky.
- autolysis
Cover the bowl and leave for 1 hour autolysis.
Autolysis is the flexibility of the paste by increasing scalability and increases the quality of bread (more volume, more aroma and a honeycomb sandwich).
- Pétrissée
Pour the crumbled yeast and fermented dough cut into pieces in the bowl and knead to incorporate the autolyzed dough. Add salt and knead in the bowl still time to fully incorporate the salt. Continue to knead for 5-8 min to oxygenate the dough, soften and smooth .
Add water (2 ) in small amounts , while continuing to knead until complete absorption of water by the paste ( drench ) . The dough becomes sticky but do not add flour : simply clean his hand scraping sticky residue with a horn .
Knead for 5 minutes or until the dough becomes soft , smooth and elastic . Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let pointer with 1:30 flap after 30 min.
Note: Once the dough rested for 30 minutes , take off the walls of the bowl with moistened fingers and then lift and fold ( fold ) the edges toward the center. Cover and let point 1h
- Division Converters
Transfer the dough on a lightly floured surface . Divide into 10 pieces of 180 - 200g with a pastry lightly moistened and rounding each piece before placing spaced on a floured surface . Cover with a clean cloth and let relax 20 min.
Garnish hob with parchment paper and lightly flour the paper.
Shape without too degas the dough one by one half rods 25 cm tapering the ends to get pointy .
Note: in practice , place the dough on a surface barely Fleuree with flour, tapping with fingertips to flatten without too degas and form a rough rectangle and fold as already mentioned here making sure to remove the excess flour with a bristle brush .
Ask As the key half sticks to light (welding below ) on the hob making sure to leave at least 6-7 inches of space between each . Cover with a clean finish and leave for 1 hour or until a fingerprint lightly pressed on the surface of the dough slowly resume its place cloth.
Preheat the oven thermostat . 8 (240 ° C ) with a resistant container on the sole or last level of the oven. Just before baking , pour hot water into the container and close the door immediately to trap the steam formed .
Make 2 incisions half- baguette with a razor blade moistened and bake baguettes . Wait 30 seconds then open and spray the oven walls with water and close immediately. Bake about 20 minutes until caramel crust color then let the half- strips off in the oven for 5 minutes.
Cool on a rack and let sweated at least 30 minutes before serving.