Rice Salad
Price: $ 3.68
Ingredients (serves 4):
- 200g long grain rice unbeatable Carrefour
- 200 g of ultra crispy canned sweet corn Green Giant
- 400 g tomatoes
- 1 green pepper BIO Carrefour
- 1 red pepper Carrefour BIO
- 1/2 cucumber Carrefour BIO
The basic groceries:
- 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Carrefour
- 1 tablespoon Carrefour wine vinegar
- 1/2 bunch parsley
- Salt and pepper
Cook the rice in boiling water as directed on the package, then drain and cool in cold water. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes, and the peppers and cucumber. Drain corn. In a bowl, pour all the ingredients: rice, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and corn. Prepare a vinaigrette with the vinegar, salt, pepper and oil, then add it to the salad with chopped parsley. Mix and serve cold.