Pasta salad with cherry tomatoes, chicken and feta
You know I love pasta, I regularly offers recipes because I think we can decline to infinity with various sauces and accompaniments. Besides, I cook a lot more than I watch you on my site!
I like pasta salads because you can combine them with fresh vegetables and it's more pleasant to eat a hot dish. Just find a vegetable, meat and cheese, add some herbs, and voila!
Preparation time: 25 min. Cooking time: 20 min. Total: 45 min.
Number of hungry : 3
For 4/ 5 persons input , or 2 for a flat
- ingredients:
150g pasta kind orrechiette
175g cherry tomatoes
1 chicken breast
100g feta
1 teaspoon mustard seed
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons yogurt natural stirred
1 knob of butter
ten basil leaves
1 chicken
Salt and pepper
- instructions:
Cook pasta in plenty of salted water broth according to package instructions .
Drain quickly. Add a tablespoon of olive oil soup and refrigerate .
Cut the chicken into thin strips. Bake for 10 minutes in a hot pan with a knob of butter.
Wash and cut the cherry tomatoes in 2 .
Crumble the feta .
Wash and chop the basil.
Mix the mustard and lemon and then add a tablespoon olive oil, and then the yogurt. Salt and pepper.
Pour the sauce over the pasta and mix.
Add chicken and tomatoes.
Pour basil and feta . Mix gently.
Refrigerate until serving time.